Nathan'ette Burdine's The Nyle Magazine

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President Joe Biden Speaker Nancy Pelosi;
Speaker Nancy P.
Pelosi has invited President Joseph R.
Biden to address
a Joint Session of Congress
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo;
Over a majority of
New Yorkers say
Andrew Cuomo
should not run
for a fourth
term as governor
California Govenor Gavin Newsom;
Gavin Newsom says his progressive policies are why Republicans are
trying to recall him

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell;

Senators Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell

The debt ceiling bill is
in the Senate's hands
bby Nathan'ette Burdine: June 1, 2023

Yesterday, before 9:30PM, Democrats and Republicans came together, in a true bipartisan fashion, in order to pass the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 (debt ceiling bill) on over to the Senate.

There were 149 Republicans joining with 165 Democrats giving a total of 314 yays. The Debbie Downers consisted of 71 Republicans and 46 Democrats all coming together to give a total of 117 no ways. The four people who didn’t vote were Representatives Jim Banks (R-IN), Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Angie Craig (D-MN), and Deborah Ross (D-NC).

Craig is sick with COVID-19. Ross jacked up her ankle while working in the yard. Banks and Boebert just didn’t vote. Once the bill passes the Senate, which it is expected to do by tomorrow, the bill will then move on over to President Joe Biden’s desk.

As y’all can see, the debt ceiling bill, which won’t be taken up again until after New Year’s 2025, is moving rather fast. And it’s moving fast due to the fact that U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says the country will run out of money on June 5 and will therefore not be able to pay the $31,463,988,658,765.75 worth of debt the country owes. In other words, there’s no time for putting stuff in and taking stuff out.

The bill has to go! Because if it doesn’t go, then we go broke! Going broke, as y’all can see by those votes in the House and the votes to come in the Senate, is something that many folks don’t want to do.

It’s also the reason why once passed into law, there will be cut backs. There will be no more unnecessary spending on COVID-19. Folks will have to start back paying their student loans. And folks on food stamps will need to show they are trying to get work in order to continue receiving government assistance.

Although Kev Kev (Speaker Kevin McCarthy) is running around on Fox News talking about starting a commission to see where cuts can be made to Social Security, the chances of any cuts to Social Security happening are zero to negative infinity.

The folks who get Social Security are dependable voters. The dependable voters are folks 65 and older. Those folks aren’t dying out like they use to back during non-colored TV age. No sir! Uh-huh! Those folks are living to be 110 years old. And many of them continue to have all of their faculties. Therefore, they know who’s doing wrong.

The one thing those dependable voters have made clear is that they better get their Social Security check. Not half! Not some! But all of their Social Security money.

And if those dependable voters don’t get their Social Security check, then a whole bunch of Congress members are going to get checked and sent out the door marked Exit.


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